


We're all leaving footprints through our journey in life. Physical footprints come in all sizes and so does the impression we leave when we interact with others. On any given day our actions can leave lasting impressions big and small. Whether it is our family members or people we meet in passing our attitude and how we conduct ourselves speaks volumes. Did you know that a simple hello sometimes could brighten someone's day and in turn bring about a change in their attitude to brighten someone else's day. I heard a story at my church about how just saying hello to a homeless man caused him to change his mind about committing suicide that very day. Imagine a simple hello! He said no one was saying hello and because this pastor was led to do so a life was saved. Hearing hello made this man feel as if he mattered to someone. He wasn't just looked at as some guy on the street.

Society today is heading in a direction that will sometimes leave you speechless. Just read the news and take a look at the comment thread in some articles. People don't care what they say anymore or how it may affect others. It's heartbreaking to hear conversations that are happening even around kids. We can't be surprised when these kids grow up and speak to us however they feel like. Did we set examples for them to follow?

I remember when I had my first child and the time came for her to attend school. After taking her to and from school a few times I noticed I would be referred to, not by my name but by hers with mom after it. For me as a first time mom, that was something to process. I told myself I have to be a good example and the best mom I could be for her because I am no longer representing myself but I now have this little person I'm representing also. This was not just a kindergarten thing for the kids, it went on right through to high school.

At times we run into kids outside of the school environment with their parents and they greet you the same way. Hi Kimberly's mom! We better not be out doing things we shouldn't because that gets back to school and it's our  Kimberlys and Devontes that pays the price for our bad choices.  

Let's leave imprints that are positive that will leave lasting impressions on those we meet throughout our journey. I have had many of such encounters and hope that I too through a kind word or deed may have helped to brighten someone's day. 

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