


We have long since learned about seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. How we perceive certain situations we find ourselves in will determine how we are able to deal with them.

I remember running to catch a bus one morning because I didn't want to be late for school. I missed the bus and was very upset. I got on a later bus and a few minutes into the commute  we noticed there was an accident up ahead. As we got closer to where the accident was I discovered that the very bus that I missed was involved. Had I been on that bus, who knows what the outcome might have been for me. I was no longer upset but grateful that I missed that bus.

There was also that time when I had to walk off a job.  I felt I had no other choice as the environment became uncomfortable for me. There was a lot happening and it was just not working out. Lo and behold, not long after I left, I got an offer for a much better job which led to a number of major changes for the better in my life. Had I stayed on my previous job I would have missed all the opportunities that came my way with the new job. 

These are just two of  the many things that has happened throughout my life's journey that  accumulatively caused me to look at some of life's events from a different angle.

I was having a conversation with someone  which led to her revealing that she didn't have kids of her own. Her face briefly took on a look of sadness. I thought for a few seconds and decided to try to change the way she may have been looking at it. I  then revealed to her that I didn't drive. I had been learning since I was a teen and also in my late twenties and early thirties. I explained that every time I got behind the wheel something bad  happened. I concluded that too many things were working against it happening and decided to not pursue it anymore. One particular time I got so dizzy, my head was spinning and I had to pullover. I said maybe the Lord didn't want me to drive. He knows what lies ahead and maybe was keeping me from something terrible happening while I was behind the wheel. Whether it was to protect me or someone else because of an accident I could have caused, only He knows. Whatever the reason, I trust His plan.

Being able to give birth is a wonderful thing but because of complications sometimes it can be a life or death situation. I said to her, only God knows what could happen. Our lives have purpose and nothing will stop His plan for our lives. We may not understand at the time, especially when we desire something and it's not happening.

We cannot see ahead of ourselves and need to pause and put things into perspective.