

Seasons Change

A very wise and dear elderly neighbor I had said to me " life has stages. The seasons of life change and we go through different things throughout our journey."There are times when it seems as though nothing works in our favor, regardless of how hard we try. Some of us wait expectantly for situations to turn around while some may get tired of trying and just give up. Then there are those times when  everything is in bloom and things are working out as we want them to.

Change may come about gradually at times and sometimes it comes swooping in like a world wind, happening at unexpected times. It's like those times when applying for jobs and not getting any response at all. Sometimes this seems to go on endlessly but one day suddenly, the phone rings or you get an email, finally a response.  Then another response and  another and another. Now the issue is which job to accept! Didn't it feel like you would never get hired? Suddenly your season of drought is over, new beginnings are springing forth. Your countenance is lifted and that change you were praying for has finally come.

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