

Shine In Your Element

Some of us will spend our lifetime trying to be like others instead of shining where we were born to shine. We are all different and have our strengths and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses come in all forms. Some people are born gifted to do some things while others will take time to learn them if they desire to. It's important that those who can, be mindful of those who cannot, or are not as good at doing something that they may be excellent at. 

Now I'm going to venture into an area where some women are left  feeling like they're less than. THE KITCHEN. Ladies we're all not going to be great cooks whether we're married or single. After you've given it all you've got over time and it just doesn't get to that point where even your own taste buds are happy, then it's time to accept that you may not be gifted here. Not that you are unable to fix something to eat for you and your family.  Some women will spend all day cooking because they love to. The kitchen is their place of comfort and creativity. For some, we just don't have those magic hands. 

LET THE COOKS COOK! If all you can do is eat and enjoy, do that! Eat, be thankful and complement the chef.

Contrary to popular belief back in my homeland, not being a great cook does not disqualify a woman from becoming a good wife. The right person for you will love and appreciate you regardless and will eat whatever you prepare with a sincere smile. We are more than our cooking skills or lack thereof. Excellent cooks have their weaknesses as well. There are many divorced women out there that were doing wonders in the kitchen.

Let us focus on doing the things we can do best and be happy doing them. 

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