


We've been doing a lot of praying, as we well should. We are to do so without ceasing. The things that are happening lately made me realize however, that for some situations, we need to both fast and pray. Fasting is not talked about much these days, from what I've observed. Back in my homeland the entire church fasted regularly.

We have been praying earnestly for all sorts of atrocities that we have seen and heard of. For some things we get the answer quickly. For some however it seems as though nothing is changing. We know God is in charge.  We know He hears and answers prayers. We also know His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not ours. We  We know that He does things in His time. He has however  given us the privilege to approach His throne of Grace on any matter, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Who promises that if we ask anything in His name it will be done. (John 14:14.) What do we do when we've been praying and it seems nothing is happening? We add fasting to praying. (And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.) Mark 9:29 KJV

I haven't fasted in a while until recently, but for every time I've decided to go on a fast it is much different than when I just don't eat. Whether it's because I've been too busy or just didn't feel like eating. I don't feel as hungry as I would if I was not fasting. I normally don't get that pain in the pit of my stomach or feel light headed because  I'm hungry. It's an amazing thing. It should also become apart of us. The Bible does say "when" we fast and not "if" we fast. God always hears us even when it appears as if the answer is not coming. He also says in (Romans 9:18) He hardeneth whom He will. He is the one with the plan. He is the potter, we are the clay and we just have to trust that He knows best.

Even if you're not fasting religiously, it can be very beneficial for the body. It helps in supporting weight loss, improves fitness and lowers the risk of metabolic diseases. It also boosts cognitive performance and reduces inflammation. I remember going on a fast off of juice for an entire week and had only water. I called it my no juice fast. Exactly what the body needed. I think I should do this for a week every month.