


As the saying goes, "if life throws you lemon make lemonade."  This is a great lesson for us all especially during these trying times. We can't allow ourselves to walk around like sour grapes when things don't go according to how we planned. We have to pick ourselves up and try again. 

For many of us resources may be limited but that does not mean we cannot accomplish anything. We can use what we have to do what we can and still be fruitful. I have heard so many stories from people who are now successful, about their humble beginnings. They didn't allow their circumstances to deter them from their goal. They pressed on, sometimes failing numerous times, but picked themselves up somehow and carried on despite the challenges. Giving up was not an option. Don't look at  others who are getting ahead and get frustrated. We all don't grow at the same pace. Everyone is different and what may work for them may not work for you. That's like comparing apples and oranges. 

If you're doing the same thing for a long period of time, the same way and not getting the desired results, it could be time for a fresh approach, depending on what you're trying to accomplish. Step back for a while, regroup, look at things from a different angle. You'd be surprised you'll find the answer after you've done this.

Some people want to wait for a huge pay day before  starting anything but there are many stories of people who began with just a few bucks.  There are also those who are waiting for everything to be perfect. That could prove to be a very long wait because life is not a bowl of cherries and there will be hurdles. We just need to find ways to go around them and keep moving forward.Whatever you're doing, don't go bananas with every disappointment. Stay the course  as long as you're lead by the Spirit to do so, never give up. Your efforts along with a positive attitude will pay off. Sometimes we give up just when things are about to take a turn for the better. Just when we are about to be blessed. It takes a lot of patience but there's a lot to be learned during our season of waiting.