

Naked Eye

 I would love to share with you  pictures and videos of my visit to The Grand Canyon to convey what it was like but I'm not able to do so effectively. I've gone through all the photos I've taken and there's none that shows what I actually saw. This was one of those times when I had to put my device down because the camera was not capturing what my eyes were seeing. 

The grandeur of the canyon is seen best with the naked eye. What I was beholding needed to be looked at the way God intended for it to be viewed because it was magnificent. While you're there your retinas are at work scoping out the scene around you, sending messages to your brain so lasting memories can be formed. The longer you decide to stay on your devices the more you miss out on the beauty in front of you. The vastness of it all could not  be fitted into a photo.

Our devices are great tools that we can use to capture daily events and memorable moments in our lives but some things are just better seen by our uniquely designed eyes. The retina is not operating on its own. Think of a mom who is seeing her baby take his first steps, the feeling that comes with it and the reaction that follows. It would not be the same for her had she missed it.  While it can be recorded on video it sure cannot compare to being there in person for such a precious moment. Though she would be able to replay it numerous times it is not the same as actually witnessing it herself. 

Seeing the snow falling through your window or watching a video of it, is not the same as seeing and touching it. Especially for those of us who migrated from countries where it never snows. You want to know what it looks and feels like up close. Besides you can't make a snow angel from your window!

How about a meteor shower nature's amazing fireworks. It's not enough to have someone tell you about it and it's not the same viewing it on a screen. That's definitely something worth experiencing for yourself.