


Not because we  know something basic means everyone else knows it. This is especially important for those who are in Customer Service. Customers are not privy to information you may have for the company you are working for. You're also at the job everyday doing the same thing while the customer deals with it probably once per month.

Patience should be exercised with these facts in mind. There may be policy changes that the employee would have information about way before the customer and it is doubly important to understand not all will read or can read the fine prints. Remembering these things when a customer approaches you with a question you think they should already have the answer to will be of great help. Sometimes we take the stress of home to work and vice versa. If we've had a rough start to our day before we get to work, a bad attitude should not be projected onto the customers whether they themselves are displaying such. This is easier said than done. Some people are unhinged.

I know explaining the same thing repeatedly can take its toll but we have to keep in mind that even though we may have said it to a dozen people already, the one next in line hasn't heard it yet. To be honest sometimes we have to tell the same customer the same thing more than once. I have been there. People are different and our level of understanding is not the same.

On the flip side customers need to understand that  representatives do not make policies. They are doing a job they were tasked with. The representative is not responsible for pricing so if your bill seems too high, anger should not be directed at the person who answers the phone. Some of them are not even in the same country we are in.  when we don't get our packages on time, it is not the fault of the representative on the phone. They had no clue that we didn't get our delivery and are just there to assist us by looking into the issue and present solutions based on company policies. I'm a guilty party here as I too call customer service with an attitude at times. When we  put things into perspective, we will come to realize that being composed in situations like these will produce much better results. We must learn to be patient with each other.