


Needs are not only met financially. Whatever we have in abundance, we should consider sharing with those who do not. If time is what you have, there are those who have been told they don't have much of it left. I have learned to never underestimate the power of presence. Sometimes a person just needs someone to be with them, especially those who are terminally ill. Knowing they are not alone makes a huge difference.

If love is what you're filled with, then this is lacking in many.  It could be they have never known what it is to love wholeheartedly, thereby they are unable to show it.  Some may need just a listening ear. It may not seem like much to us but to them it means a lot to have someone listening attentively to what they have to say. Others may just need a hello. That is all  part of giving. Giving of ourselves.

We do not need to look far to see that we are living in serious times. Compassion, kindness and being sensitive to others are all lacking. Some may  not have had proper role models when growing up hence they exhibit only what they learned. Opportunities are out there daily for us to stand in the gap whenever we are able to.

Some people are blessed with much. Whether through hard work or they are born into a family with means. Many  have made it their life's work to give wherever they can. We thank God for them and their efforts.

For those who are blessed financially but have never really taken the time to consider those with limited resources, before throwing something you no longer need out, think of someone who could use it. Many times these things are still in excellent condition. We want something different or new and without even thinking, a good piece of furniture is left on the curb for the dump. A handbag or clothing could be of great help to someone just starting out that may have landed an interview.  The first week of a new job can be the most challenging. How to get to and from work, what to wear to work and finding lunch for that first week without a paycheck, can be an issue. Pick the phone up, make some inquiries to find out how you can get these things to those who really need it. Let's make the time to find ways to reach out. 

 Some images may be subject to copyright.