


During our season of waiting it's important to remember whose we are as believers. Waiting is different for everyone as some issues are bigger than others. A person waiting for a job and a person waiting to be healed from cancer may not be in the same frame of mind. The waiting is certainly different for both as while one may be in deep emotional pain the other may be in deep physical pain. However both are still waiting for God to turn their situation around.

 We must not allow the enemy to plant seeds of doubt in our minds. We must stand firm on what He says He will do concerning us as believers. This can be very difficult sometimes because depending on  what we are facing, it may affect others around us. Know this, even while we're waiting and we fail to see it, God is working. Working for our good. 

It is not enough to sing  hymns and read bible verses and then when we are going through a storm our attitude changes. Our faith must remain active or else we are singing and reading what we do not believe. During our waiting we should set our minds on and cling to the promises of  God. They are not just words printed in a book written by man. They are assurances to us from a faithful  creator who is in control of everything all the time.

I decided to write concerning this topic because I'm also in a season of waiting. I have found myself giving God thanks for the opportunity to trust him regardless. I am also mindful of the fact that there are others going through more serious challenges than I am. I pray for His mercy and for him to give me the  patience I need for whatever I may face. Some are facing life threatening illnesses and are waiting for a  right now answer from God because That's what their circumstances call for. He is always on time because things happen on His schedule and not when we want  Him to act. 

We must ask Him to give us the patience to wait exactly how He says we should, without anxiety, with prayer, with courage, with faith and with thanksgiving.

Many of us have experienced miracles in our lives time and time again. It's important that during our time of waiting we draw from what God has already done for us. We must reassure ourselves that He will come through again because He delights in mercy and He promised never to leave or forsake us.

("The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”)

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV