


Without balance things  go  sideways literally, including our lives. Our health, our emotions and how we decide to live our lives in general. If we constantly consume things that are not good for us to eat, it will eventually affect our health. Most of us realize this way too late. 

 If we sit around and do nothing every day, that too will take us down a path that may be difficult for us to get back from, especially if we do not change our thinking concerning our laziness. If we entertain thoughts that are not healthy continually it will be evident in our conduct. If we harbor  hatred and bitterness towards others for no reason, it will not only affect us but also those around us. We become the kind of person no one wants to be around. Just as important as  it is for us not to be around someone who displays this kind of attitude, for the sake of our mental health, it is equally important for us not to become someone who drives others away. 

If we become jealous when our friends succeed instead of cheering them on then we will spiral down the road of envy. Instead of offering congratulations and being encouraging we become distant and cold as if we were wronged, which will slowly eat away at our opportunity to achieve our own success. 

Our mental health needs to be protected at all cost not only from outside forces but even from ourselves. 

We should feed our minds with wholesome thoughts as we would our body with a balanced meal for the health benefits.

Proverbs 16:24 NIV‬

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

‭Proverbs 14:30 NIV‬

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.