

Peace Seeking

Peace, where are you found when the world is upside down. Wrong has become right and truths turned into lies. Conflict is ever present with seemingly no end. Are you the world's enemy and war its friend? Are you hiding in pastures among endless hues of green, or perhaps along a meadow with a calming stream. Are you in a flock of birds migrating south, staying as far  from chaos like rain from a drought. Are you nestled with lilies with their head towards the sun, or in the company of phlox creepers on a rocky mount. 

Can you be attained collectively with all mankind, or do you dwell individually as a state of mind. The one that finds you knows full well, they needed to look to the Prince of Peace Himself. Through life's journeys of heartache, despair and pain perfect peace can be found in only one name.

‭John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”