


Jesus is real! As real as the sun that rises in the morning to bring light to the earth. Jesus being real is not dependent on whether people believe in Him or not. It's not dependent on our level of education or status in life. Jesus being real is not dependent on what diagnosis we get from a doctor or on any test results. It's not dependent on the kind of jobs we have or where we live or if we even have a roof over our heads. It's not dependent on what cars we drive or if we know where our next meal is coming from.

Jesus is as real as the heart that beats in our chest and every single breath we take. He is as real as the blood that flows through our veins. He is the only sure and constant presence whether we accept that fact or not.

Jesus being real is not dependent on our existence. He's real and in control at all times regardless of what is happening around us or anywhere else. The earth is His and everything and everyone in it. The good the bad, the weak, the strong, the unbeliever and believer. 

Jesus is not only real when we get good news or promotions. He's real whether we are down in the valley or up on the mountain top. Jesus is as real as the wind that blows, even though we cannot see it we  know that it's there because we can feel it.

Just as real as the fact that we are flesh and soul and one does not exist without the other, it is equally factual that we would not exist without Jesus. As sure as death is real and we cannot deny or do anything to change it, so too is the fact that He is real and is the same yesterday, today and will always be.

Revelation 22:12-13

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.