


I witnessed a young lady trying to show herself friendly to a group of her peers and she was ignored. Not sure what the back story is but it was painful to watch. She tried again probably thinking she was not heard but it was more of the same. 

Some people are loners not by choice and although these were teens, with mental health on the rise, one could possibly save a life by just saying or responding to hello. Imagine if there is no back story and this young lady is left wondering why she was ignored. Could it be because she was different, not the same race as those she was trying to be friendly with? She could become depressed wondering if there is something wrong with her. Especially if this has happened to her before. 

While we need to be cautious when meeting new people we should also keep in mind that sometimes people just need a friend. A simple smile directed at someone in passing could mean a change in their attitude for the rest of the day. On the other side of this are those who choose not to be friendly, oftentimes complaining about having no friends. One has to show themself friendly in order to make friends. Friends come in all shapes, sizes and races. Taking the time to get to know people without unconscious biases will open our eyes to the beauty of a person from within. 

Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.